ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
Atmospheric Advantage, LLC (AtmoVantage) is a website services company based in New Milford, Connecticut. We offer website services including design, maintenance, management, updates, backups, hosting, domain name registration, search engine optimization and more. We strive to operate in a manner that conforms to the ISO 9001:2015 Standard, but we are not certified by an accredited ISO certification body.
Our mission is to make website ownership accessible, affordable, painless and reliable for everyone.
Quality Policy
AtmoVantage’s Top Management have developed the following Quality Policy which governs day-to-day operations to ensure quality. The Quality Policy is communicated and implemented throughout the organization.
The Quality Policy of AtmoVantage is as follows:
AtmoVantage is committed to becoming a leading provider of website services in western Connecticut and the surrounding area.
We improve the lives of our clients by handling technical, design and administrative tasks associated with their website so they can focus on their business, organization and passions.
Our goal is to ensure that our client’s websites remain online, accessible, fast and secure.
Websites hosted on AtmoVantage servers will have a 99.9% or higher monthly uptime KPI.
We will inform clients as soon as possible if their website suffers a prolonged outage.
All websites will undergo regular security scans to prevent weaknesses from being exploited.
AtmoVantage will conduct regular quality check-ups to ensure quality standards are met.
Context of the AtmoVantage Organization
AtmoVantage has reviewed and analyzed key aspects of itself and its stakeholders to determine the strategic direction of the company. This requires understanding internal and external issues that are of concern to AtmoVantage and its interested parties; the interested parties are identified per the document QM-101 Context of the Organization.
Such issues are monitored and updated as appropriate, and reviewed as part of management reviews.
The issues determined above are identified through an analysis of risks facing AtmoVantage and its interested parties. “Interested parties” are those stakeholders who receive our services, or who may be impacted by them, or those parties who may otherwise have a significant interest in our company. These parties are identified per the document QM-101 Context of the Organization.
This information is then used by management to determine the company’s strategic direction. This is defined in records of management review, and periodically updated as conditions and situations change.
Scope of the AtmoVantage Quality Management System
Based on an analysis of the above issues of concern, interests of stakeholders, and in consideration of its products and services, AtmoVantage has determined the scope of the management system as follows:
Website design, hosting, maintenance, administration and other tasks directly related to the context of a website, including but limited to: email, logos, branding, SEO, optimization, media, social media and miscellaneous consulting services.
The quality system applies to all processes, activities and employees within the company.
The following clauses of ISO 9001 were determined to be not applicable to AtmoVantage. is excluded from this Quality Policy because AtmoVantage does not provide physicalized products and therefore we do not operate any measuring equipment that would require calibration traceability.
QMS Processes
AtmoVantage has adopted a process approach for its management system. By identifying the top-level processes within the company, and then managing each of these discretely, this reduces the potential for nonconforming services discovered during final processes or after delivery. Instead, nonconformities and risks are identified in real time, by actions taken within each of the top-level processes.
Note: not all activities are considered “processes” – the term “process” in this context indicates the activity has been elevated to a higher level of control and management oversight. The controls indicated herein are applicable only to the top-level processes identified.
The following top-level processes have been identified for AtmoVantage:
Website Hosting
Website Maintenance
Website Design
Human Resources
Internal Audit
Finance and Accounting
Business Administration (Top Management)
Customer Service
Information Technology
Online Concierge
Each process may be supported by other activities, such as tasks or sub-processes. Monitoring and control of top level processes ensures effective implementation and control of all subordinate tasks or sub-processes.
Each top-level process has a corresponding AVIAN document/manual which defines:
Applicable inputs and outputs
Process owner(s)
Applicable responsibilities and authorities
Applicable risks and opportunities
Critical and supporting resources
Criteria and methods employed to ensure the effectiveness of the process
Quality objectives related to that process
This list only provides top-level procedures, and may not reflect the entirety of all QMS documentation.
Each process has at least one objective established for it; this is a statement of the intent of the process. Each objective is then supported by at least one “metric” or key performance indicator (KPI) which is then measured to determine the process’ ability to meet the quality objective.
Throughout the year, metrics data is measured and gathered by process owners or other assigned managers, in order to present the data to Top Management. The data is then analyzed by Top Management in order that they may set goals and make adjustments for the purposes of long-term continual improvement.
The specific quality objectives for each process are defined in the applicable QM-102 Quality Objectives.
Metrics, along with current standings and goals for each objective, are recorded in records of management review.
When a process does not meet a goal, or an unexpected problem is encountered with a process, the corrective and preventive action process is implemented to research and resolve the issue. In addition, opportunities for improvement are sought and implemented, for the identified processes.
Any process performed by a third party is considered an “outsourced process” and must be controlled, as well. The company’s outsourced processes, and the control methods implemented for each, are defined in QM-103 Outsourced Processes.